Terms and Conditions

1. Introduction: Please read this section carefully, as it contains important information about the nature, purpose, and limitations of this document, as well as what you acknowledge, accept, and understand about the terms and conditions mentioned herein. This document has been prepared for the benefit of Connpanny LLP and any affiliate or related entity to NGOLD, as well as any individual or entity associated with any of them (collectively, "NGOLD Associates"). This document sets forth the terms and conditions governing the use of the NGOLD ERC-20 token and participation in the DEX platform https://dex.ngold.io/ and the DEX P2P platform https://dex-p2p.ngold.io/. By using the NGOLD Token or the Platform https://ngold.io/, you agree to and accept these Terms and Conditions. The primary objective of this Whitepaper is to inform and educate about the NGOLD token, without influencing any person or user to purchase or use the NGOLD token. This NGOLD Whitepaper is solely for educational and informational purposes about NGOLD, and the administrator cannot be held responsible for the misuse of the provided information. The acquisition and use of NGOLD are at the user's own risk. Users are advised to conduct their own research and consult financial experts before making any investment or transaction with NGOLD. It is essential that investors are fully informed about the risks and benefits associated with investing in crypto assets and stablecoins. The NGOLD token, being an innovative digital product, is governed by a series of legal terms and disclaimers. It is crucial for investors to be aware of these aspects to fully understand the risks and responsibilities associated with investing in NGOLD. NGOLD is a unique and exclusive product of Connpanny LLP, a technology and financial company from the United Kingdom. CONNPANNY© is a registered trademark of Connpanny LLP. Connpanny LLP, NGOLD, and Napoleon Gold Mine are not responsible for any financial loss, damage, or inconvenience resulting from the use of the NGOLD token for any reason. NGOLD and Napoleon Gold Mine strive to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the provided information but cannot fully guarantee it; therefore, they are not liable for any losses or damages that may arise directly or indirectly from the use of NGOLD. 2. Definitions. Issuer: Connpanny LLP for its product: NGOLD. User: Any individual or entity that uses the NGOLD token or NGOLD platforms. Token: A digital asset representing ownership of a specific amount of gold. Platform: A digital interface that allows users to buy, sell, and exchange tokens (NGOLD) through https://ngold.io/. Gold: Precious metal with the symbol Au and atomic number 79, refined in its purest form 999.9 (24 karats). Price: Determined by the international exchange rate of the London Gold Fixing, corresponding to one gram of 24 karat gold, expressed in USD (US dollars). 3. Use of the Token. Users can sell tokens on the DEX platform https://dex.ngold.io/ as long as the NGOLD token has been purchased on https://dex.ngold.io/. When an NGOLD token has been acquired on the DEX P2P: https://dex-p2p.ngold.io/ or in the Peer to Peer mode, i.e., under the Person to Person mode, it cannot be redeemed on our Exchange https://dex.ngold.io/, and can only be traded in the P2P (Person to person) market and/or the DEX P2P https://dex-p2p.ngold.io/. Those who have acquired the NGOLD token on the DEX https://dex.ngold.io/ can sell it on the same DEX https://dex.ngold.io/ and/or on the DEX P2P https://dex-p2p.ngold.io/. NGOLD Tokens can be exchanged from wallet to wallet regardless of whether they have been acquired on the DEX platforms https://dex.ngold.io/ and/or DEX P2P https://dex-p2p.ngold.io/. To conduct any transaction with the NGOLD token, users must consider the terms and conditions, including the disclaimer found in this document. Tokens can be used to purchase goods and services on the platform https://ngold.io/ or in other places that accept the NGOLD token under the p2p (person to person) modality. The legality of cryptocurrencies varies by country. Investors should inform themselves about the specific regulations in their country regarding cryptocurrencies before investing in NGOLD. The issuer reserves the right to modify or suspend the use of the NGOLD token as determined by the issuer. Any offer or sale of NGOLD tokens or any related instrument will occur only under the terms of use and service of NGOLD, which are available in this technical document and may be withdrawn or modified at any time. There is a risk that token holders may not be able to sell their NGOLD. In this scenario, Connpanny LLP reserves the right to restrict the trading of NGOLD for any reason, including ensuring compliance with all applicable requirements. 4. Disclaimer. Users of this technical document should not rely on the information contained in this technical document or the inferences drawn from it. Buyers of NGOLD tokens must determine for themselves the information they need and base any decision on their own information, research, analysis, and advice, and not on the information contained in this technical document. Connpanny LLP and any NGOLD associate hereby disclaim any representation, warranty, condition, covenant, or commitment (whether explicit or implied) of any kind to any entity or person, including any representation, warranty, or commitment regarding the truthfulness, accuracy, and completeness of the information set forth in this technical document. In particular, no Connpanny LLP associate makes any representation or warranty (whether expressed implicitly or explicitly) as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this technical document, and none of them have any responsibility for any statement, forecast, information, or matter that arises or is contained in, or derived from, or for any omission from this technical document or any other information communicated to any person in connection with or related to the matters contained in this technical document. For greater clarity, no regulatory authority has examined or approved any of the information set forth in this technical document. No such action has been taken nor will be taken under the laws of any jurisdiction. Connpanny LLP reserves the right to modify and replace the NGOLD tokens at any time at its sole discretion and has no obligation to update this technical document, including reflecting such modification or replacement. To the maximum extent permitted by all applicable laws, no Connpanny LLP associate will be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, punitive, or other losses in tort, contract, equity, common law, or otherwise (including, but not limited to, loss of income, revenue or profits, and loss of use or data) arising from or in connection with any acceptance of or reliance on this technical document or any part thereof. The issuer does not guarantee the value of the token. The value of the token may fluctuate and may be lower than the original purchase price. NGOLD tokens are directly related to the speculation of the gold price and involve a high degree of risk and uncertainty. The sale of NGOLD tokens is directed only to persons who have sufficient knowledge and understanding of Blockchain and cryptographic tokens and other digital assets, smart contracts, storage mechanisms (such as digital or token wallets), and Blockchain or distributed ledger technology, to be able to assess the risks and merits of a purchase of NGOLD tokens and be able to assume the risks thereof, including the loss of all amounts paid and the loss of all purchased NGOLD tokens. Napoleon Gold Mine is not the issuer nor responsible for the NGOLD token. It is not liable for any financial loss, damage, or inconvenience resulting from the use of the NGOLD token for any reason. Napoleon Gold Mine strives to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the provided information but cannot fully guarantee it; therefore, it is not liable for any losses or damages that may arise directly or indirectly from the use of NGOLD, its price, and its exchange modalities. Additionally, Napoleon Gold Mine will do everything possible to store and safeguard the gold in high-security vaults, but in the event of any inconvenience, it will solve the problem within its possibilities. Napoleon Gold Mine may sell part or all of its produced gold if necessary to cover business expenses, such as operational expenses, payroll, tax payments, etc.; and/or for any other reason it deems necessary and appropriate. Potential buyers must independently evaluate, after conducting any necessary research, the merits and suitability of purchasing NGOLD tokens. Potential buyers should consult their accounting. The issuer is not responsible for any losses or damages the user may suffer from the token or the platform. Any issues with the platform https://dex.ngold.io/ and https://dex-p2p.ngold.io/ and the NGOLD token are excluded from the responsibilities of Connpanny LLP and its associates. The NGOLD website, platform, software, and content are provided as-is and as-available. There is no guarantee that the process for creating the NGOLD website and platform will be error-free. There is an inherent risk that the software could contain weaknesses, vulnerabilities, errors, among others, that could cause the total loss of NGOLD, the website, or the platform. In this section, the user understands the risks involved in using these digital means and assumes all responsibility for their use. The NGOLD DEX and NGOLD DEX P2P are not responsible for vulnerability attacks towards the USDT token, the networks it operates on, and which may lead to the total or partial loss of the liquid value of the USDT token, which is currently the only liquidity asset to exchange NGOLD. The NGOLD DEX is not responsible if at any time the USDT Stablecoin operated by Tether Limited is canceled, paused, or its collateral liquidity is intervened. In this case, the company responsible for the DEX will expediently seek a Stablecoin that meets the decentralized or centralized technical and financial characteristics for NGOLD to be exchanged. The user is responsible for understanding the risks associated with using the NGOLD Token and the Platform. Token holders must ensure they have securely stored their private keys and that no third party can gain unauthorized access to this information. Purchasing NGOLD tokens carries risks, and buyers could lose part or all of their purchased NGOLD tokens. 4.1 Regulations and Compliance: NGOLD operates within existing legal frameworks and strives to comply with all relevant regulations. However, the regulatory environment for cryptocurrencies is constantly evolving, and investors should be aware of changes that may affect their investment. 4.2 Purchase and Sale Conditions: The specific terms of purchasing, selling, and transferring NGOLD must be understood and accepted before conducting any transaction. 4.3 Investment Risks: As with any investment, there are risks associated with purchasing NGOLD. Investors should be aware of these risks, which include, but are not limited to, market volatility and changes in the value of gold. 4.4 Confidentiality and Security: The security of transactions and the protection of users' personal information are priorities for NGOLD. Privacy and security policies should be reviewed and understood by all users. 5. Limits and Capabilities. The user acknowledges their ability to purchase NGOLD tokens in accordance with applicable laws and confirms that they are not a restricted person to operate this type of asset within the platforms https://dex.ngold.io/ and https://dex-p2p.ngold.io/ . The user understands that the use, marketing, or exchange of the NGOLD token excludes jurisdictions where trading of this type of asset is prohibited or conditioned, according to those that apply to them. No registrations or other actions have been taken or will be taken in any jurisdiction to permit or intend to permit the sale of NGOLD tokens in any country or jurisdiction where registration or other action is required for it. Connpanny LLP or any associate makes no representation or warranty to any potential buyer. It is the user's responsibility to understand the risks associated with any malfunction, failure, or abandonment of the Polygon and/or Ethereum blockchain or other technological difficulties that may have a material adverse effect or prevent access to or use of the platform https://ngold.io/ with the Polygon and/or Ethereum Blockchain, where the NGOLD token is mobilized. Connpanny LLP emphasizes that trading NGOLD outside of its platforms may entail a risk that the user must carefully consider. 6. Modifications, Changes, and Future Updates of Whitepaper Versions. The issuer reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice, as well as to change, add or remove any information of any kind in the NGOLD Whitepaper. Updated versions will replace previous ones and reflect changes in the market, technology, or regulations. The Whitepaper that will have value will be the latest published on the website: https://ngold.io/terms-and-conditions.html . Forward-looking statements contained in this technical document may constitute forward-looking statements or speak of future events or plans. These forward-looking statements or information involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause actual events to differ materially. No reliance should be placed on any forward-looking statement or information. User Notifications: NGOLD is committed to informing users about any significant changes that may affect their investment or use of the token. This information will be provided on the website https://ngold.io/terms-and-conditions.html and/or the social network channel X (formerly Twitter) will also be used to inform NGOLD users of important project updates, serving this communication as sufficient notification. The user should stay attentive to these notifications. The only social media channel that will be valid for communicating all types of updates will be the official NGOLD account on X (formerly Twitter), which is: @ngold_io and is verified. NGOLD accounts on Instagram and Facebook: @ngold.io, are for advertising purposes only and will not be considered official communication about NGOLD. Changes in tax laws and policies, including any changes to those of Connpanny LLP, could negatively impact the value of NGOLD and the performance of token holders. Future changes in tax laws or policies cannot be predicted. Tax responsibility is the individual responsibility of each user. NGOLD token users should seek their own tax advice regarding their possible purchase of NGOLD. Likewise, new or revised legislation, regulations, administrative directives, or guidelines issued by regulators and regulatory actions could negatively affect the platform https://dex.ngold.io/ and https://dex-p2p.ngold.io/ in various ways. 7. Acceptance. By using the NGOLD Token or the Platform https://ngold.io/, you agree to and accept these Terms and Conditions. By accessing, receiving, or accepting possession of this technical document (or any part of it), you acknowledge, accept, declare, and warrant to NGOLD that you have read and understood the risk disclosure statement referred to in and part of the Terms and Conditions, that you are not a restricted person, that the distribution or dissemination of this technical document, and any part of it, or your receipt or acceptance thereof, is not prohibited or restricted by the applicable laws in your jurisdiction, and where there are restrictions regarding its receipt, acceptance, or possession, you have and will observe and comply with all such restrictions at your own expense and without liability to any NGOLD Associate, and all matters set forth in this document. 8. Effective Date. This document comes into effect on March 15, 2024. 9. Additional Clauses. Connpanny LLP may add or modify the clauses of this document at any time. Modifications to the Terms will take effect from the date of publication on the Platform https://ngold.io/terms-and-conditions.html. If you do not agree with the modifications to the terms, you must cease the use of the token and all NGOLD platforms. Due to various reasons, business relationship failures, political problems, government agency obstacles, sanctions, suspensions, or similar, or some challenges, the platform https://ngold.io/, https://dex.ngold.io/ and https://dex-p2p.ngold.io/ may no longer be viable to continue operating and NGOLD may cease to operate. Due to various reasons, business relationship failures, political problems, government agency obstacles, sanctions, suspensions, or similar, or some challenges, the Napoleon Gold Mine company may no longer be viable to continue operating and may cease to operate. Connpanny LLP makes every effort to create robust and secure systems for its users, however, the user is responsible for understanding that there are certain malicious groups or organizations that may attempt to interfere with the platform www.nogld.io https://dex.ngold.io/ https://dex-p2p.ngold.io/ in various ways, including: hacking attacks, malware, denial of service attacks, consensus-based attacks, Sybil attacks, smurfing, and spoofing. Company LLP will use all reasonable efforts to maintain highly qualified security systems to prevent inconveniences. 10. Waiver. The issuer's failure to enforce any provision of these Terms and Conditions shall not constitute a waiver of such provision. 11. Entire Agreement. These terms constitute the entire agreement between the issuer and the user regarding the use of the NGOLD token and the platform https://ngold.io/, https://dex.ngold.io/ and https://dex-p2p.ngold.io/. 12. Original Language and Translation. For all legal purposes, the primary language to be considered to understand the true meaning of this entire document will be Spanish, in this and all its versions. This document has been translated into several languages. In case of discrepancy between the Spanish version and the version in another language, the Spanish version will prevail for any case. 13. Notice. This document is for informational and marketing purposes only and does not constitute legal or financial advice. It is not a representation or warranty of any kind by any associate of Connpanny LLP, including tokens issued by Connpanny LLP (NGOLD), or any service, product, or operation of Connpanny LLP, NGOLD, and Napoleon Gold Mine. The information in this technical document does not constitute an inducement, incentive, advice, or recommendation by any person to purchase NGOLD tokens or any other cryptographic token or currency, and neither Connpanny LLP nor any associate has authorized any person to make such actions as inducements, incentives, advice, or recommendations. The constitution of this document is not a prospectus of any kind or a solicitation for investment, nor does it belong to an offer to buy securities in any jurisdiction. Any offer or sale of NGOLD tokens or any related instrument will occur only according to Connpanny LLP's Terms and Conditions, which are available from April 2, 2024, at https://ngold.io/terms-and-conditions.html and may be withdrawn or modified at any time. Interested parties should, among other things, conduct their own research and analysis of the NGOLD token, as well as seek further information and professional advice regarding its use, exchange, and value. It is important to note that not all risks can be foreseen. Therefore, it is not possible for Connpanny LLP to protect the value of NGOLD from all risks. Potential token users should ensure they obtain appropriate professional advice on the suitability of NGOLD considering their individual circumstances, financial situation, and individual needs. 14. Consent. By using the token or the platform, you acknowledge that you have understood these terms and conditions and agree to them. 15. NGOLD Social Media. The only official NGOLD social media channels are: Website: https://ngold.io/ Instagram: @ngold.io X (formerly Twitter): @ngold_io Only official communication channel: X (formerly Twitter): @ngold_io.


Decentralized Digital Gold Token

NGOLD emerges as a solution, combining
the best of both worlds: the efficiency
of cryptocurrencies and the stability of gold.